Truth Will Tell
The Bridezilla was not being hyperbolic when she swore to bring hell down on the traitor’s head. Suddenly, the lead-up to the big day had turned into something similar to Communist Russia, where she arranged a “polygraph party” for her friends to attend, where a $99 polygraph test purchased off Amazon awaited them. The trap was set, and the Bridezilla expected everyone to walk into it! But the Bridezilla would be sure to be clever about her hunt, saying that anyone who did not attend her trial would be assumed to be part of the conspiracy.

Truth Will Tell
The CIA-Worthy Prosecutor
The Bridezilla was not going to cut any corners when it came to her need for justice. Given that she was not afraid to waste money on dramatic gestures, she of course acquired an authentic polygraph test worthy of a CIA interrogation. She could not afford to be given the wrong results, and so made sure that the equipment would be foolproof. The irony was that polygraph tests are not completely dependable when it comes to asserting the truth at a 100% rate.

The CIA Worthy Prosecutor