Gina was, for once, excitedly greeted for the couple, but the matriarch would not return their affections. The older woman looked around the lofty place disapprovingly, shaking her head at various luxurious features. This truly hurt the couple, who had been so excited to show off their new abode. That was when Gina went from disagreeable to plain hostile as she began tearing into Tracy. According to the Reddit post that the bride-to-be would share with the world, Gina’s hostility had come out of the blue.

Dimming The Shine
Tracy could not understand what she had done to invoke Gina’s wrath, but the older woman would be all too happy to fill her in. It was the wedding ring. It was far too pricy, and Rick should not have agreed to purchase something so tastelessly showy. Even if Tracy was rather materialistic, that was not for Gina to criticize. It seemed like despite their ‘progress’, Gina was the same cruel woman that Tracy had met all those years ago.

Dimming The Shine