These Collectible Items Simply Aren’t Worth All That Much Anymore

Published on 04/19/2021

Pokemon Trading Cards

Pokemon cards were all the rage in the early 2000’s, when children traded different Pokemon for each other, fought fictitious battles, and typically spent thousands of their parent’s earnings on trying to get their hands on some of the rare collectibles in the series. Although some holographic cards in mind condition have fetched up to $2500 at public auction, there are literally a handful that will make this kind of money. The rest, as they say, is from a time long passed.

Pokemon Trading Cards

Pokemon Trading Cards


Older Newspapers

There are millions of newspaper editions in history, each telling a different story about the happenings of towns, cities, countries and even the world as a whole. Some collectors have hung on to specific editions from major events, hoping that it would one day be worth something to a museum. As digital media has been brought into the mainstream, most of these headline grabbing editions are pretty easy to track down online. This means that they are not worth anything in modern times.

Older Newspapers

Older Newspapers