There are various options that you will find when it comes to getting a high-end home exterior. Most people believe that you should never judge a book by its cover, and the same thought is for the homes’ exterior. There are a few designs that will try to hint at the interiors. However, it is also seen that there are multiple cases where you can’t guess what you are going to find inside. Once you have decided to give your exteriors a total revamp, you will try searching for the ideas from various magazines and design booklets. The modern home designs incorporate several materials and techniques that will help you in getting the desired results. We have tried to include a few ideas that we believe carry a great spot in terms of design and architecture in this blog. The tips that we will discuss here will be highly practical, and these implementations will also impact the property’s resale value. The information you must follow is never to skip getting the full professional help so that you don’t miss the common issues based on the structure.

House Exterior Ideas
Choose Paint Wisely
The best and the easiest of all is to find just the right paint that suits the architecture and design language of the house. The best criteria that you can go for while selecting the paint job is to keep it as neutral as possible. If you are building a home for a purpose to sell, you need to keep it according to a common desire of the public.
Look For Designs
There are various magazines and display books where you will get a detailed look at design options. Having these as help will influence you in a good way, and you can also find high inspirations in the movies and TV shows. It will also be a much better option to design it all yourself to cut heavily on the budget.
For those going to live in the home they are building, some good amount of greenery must be around. What you can do is plant a few trees that can grow quite widely. These plants will be ready in a few years, and going by that. You will find a green bracket around your house. It will also help in cutting the cooling cost significantly.
Shingle-Style House
This design language is highly accepted in the housing areas that people are going for on the long beaches. The balcony with the main suite and tall windows will give a panoramic view of the shoreline. You can also surround it with lush greenery as much as possible. The color choice on this architecture should also be perfect enough to stand out from the lot.
Historic Design
Among the various designs that are getting quite popular, the historical ones are gaining quite a traction. These homes will have the touch of English tradition and culture that highly represented the cast-concrete ewes. Alongside it, the whole white exterior with a touch of contemporary color. To give it a more modern look, you can add a shutter design on top of it.

Historic Design
London Townhouse
The Townhouse design was built in the year 1860 and the South Kensington area. The exterior will be in high contrast with a tint of pink and green. These colors will also be present in the walls in the interior.