A Rugged Plane Turned Into A Luxury Home Will Leave You In Awe

Published on 11/27/2020

Liftoff Experience

Bruce loves everything about the pilot zone as he gets a first-hand experience of what the pilots go through during an initial flight. The whole idea of commanding an aircraft and working with so much technology in one place is a gem for Campbell, and he wouldn’t give up that opportunity for anything. In addition to the admiration of a pilot’s work and life, science and technology meet in this area, and that is a gem for Bruce, who loves to get his hands on a mixture of both.

Liftoff Experience

Liftoff Experience


Hygiene Systems

Even though Campbell lives in a reconstructed airplane, this does not stop him from ensuring his space is completely clean and tidy. There is a washing machine in place, so there is no need to have dirty laundry hanging around and having the place smelling musty. He works every day to ensure the highest level of cleanliness is maintained, and with his water source not going low, he can have his place fresh and smell pleasant all day.

Hygiene Systems

Hygiene Systems