Top 5 Smart Storage Ideas For Your Kitchen

Published on 02/02/2022

Dealing with storage is one of the most common issues many people face daily. There are various tips and tricks that you might have already followed, and nothing might have worked for you. The basis of any project you are going to undertake related to efficient use of the available space is to start with decluttering. Almost every household is dealing with the storage problem, and there is a high probability that you are one of them, finding yourself in a confusing spot, unable to find the starting point. In the whole house, the kitchen is the space where you will have to store numerous items, and you need to know exactly where everything is! The intelligent storage options that we will discuss here are inexpensive, and you will not need to drain your bank account. No matter which storage solution you are going for, if the occupants aren’t organized, it will not be effective in any way. Before diving into the blog, you should know that these tips are compiled after a thorough discussion with experts and interior designers. The key to any intelligent and efficient storage is to organize things according to category and bring down the step count in the kitchen as much as possible.

Top 5 Smart Storage Ideas For Your Kitchen

Top 5 Smart Storage Ideas For Your Kitchen


All Sanitation Items At One Place

For all the Monicas out there, it would be a dream come the actual moment when they will find all the cleaning supplies in one place. Generally, these supplies are stuffed right under the sink, and the longer supplies such as brooms and mops are stacked behind the coats and jackets in the closet. We recommend adding a few hooks on one side of a wardrobe and hanging all the supplies there.

Cutting Board Above The Trash Bin

If you have installed the sliding cutting board, we would highly recommend putting your trash bins right below it. Not only will it let you avoid taking the peels to another place, but you will also get to throw any unnecessary item right away. It will also help you in avoiding the hassle of storing boards elsewhere.

A Convenient Spot For Spices

There are high chances that your counter will remain a mess, and the best way to deal with it is to build a shelf right above the counter. The items used regularly should be kept at a hand’s distance and the things that aren’t needed often in the cabinets a few steps away. Also, try to make these compartments blend with the interiors.

Drawer Under The Sink

In most homes, the owners go for a cabinet under the sink to tuck away the stuff that is kept here. I have a different perspective, and it is that you should go for a drawer rather than a cabinet. It would save you from the hassle of finding the cleaning supplies from behind the pipes. The drawer will allow you to keep everything organized and easy to locate whenever you need it.

Drawer Under The Sink

Drawer Under The Sink

A Slim Drawer For Pot Lids

Among various things that just get lost in the chaos, pot lids are the most common. We would recommend going for slim drawers that can fit all the covers. It will be the best way to access them without ever worrying about losing them. It’s not recommended to put the pots and lids together as there are high chances that you will find them all scratched up.