The pandemic has forced all of us to remain in our homes. A majority of office jobs are now shifted to work from home, and for that, many people are searching for a few tips and tricks to dedicate one of their rooms or corners to their working space. The place you choose should not be in-between all the chaos as it will directly impact your productivity. Various factors are needed to be precisely taken care of, and we are here to help you with just that. Whether you are going to spend a whole day there or just a few hours, it must offer a comfortable spot, and you must be able to complete all the tasks efficiently. Having an office space in your home doesn’t mean that all you need is a table and a years-old chair lying around until now. In this blog, we will discuss the tips and little tricks for you that will help you create a productive workspace.

Designing A Home Office Setup
The Location
Among various other factors, one thing you must not take lightly is the location. Depending on the size and the capacity of the house, the home office can be designed in several ways. You might select an excluded corner, the guest room, or also can settle with the kitchen. The area where you need to focus is finding a quiet place. If you ask us, for a working mother who is also a kitchen-in charge, the best spot for the home office is the kitchen counter.
Choosing The Right Desk & Chair
Another essential aspect that you should put your focus on is choosing just the suitable desk and chair. No matter how good of a location that you end up picking, if you cannot sit comfortably for a prolonged time, you aren’t going to be productive anyway. The desk you are buying should not be a narrow one where all you can put in your laptop. It should be wide enough to accommodate other essential things, as well. Also, I prefer the one with adjustable height. The same goes for the chair. Try to find the one that offers a good seating position with good lumbar support.

Choosing The Right Desk And Chair
A Meeting Space
It will hugely depend on the nature of your job, but if you are going to have clients over for meetings, there should be a space where you can sit with them. We would recommend transforming a room that is not much in use into a meeting space. However, if that’s not possible, make sure that you put extra chairs in your office space so that clients can come over and get comfortable during long discussions.
More Natural Light
Though it’s a detail that you should look for while choosing the location, we can also include it under the lighting head. For any working space, lighting should be done in adequate amounts. The best way to get it done is to bring as much natural light as possible. Also, make sure that the lighting source isn’t affecting your computer screen and if it is, try playing with some blinders and anti-glare window glasses to put it all together. Apart from these major tips, the one that goes highly underrated is going wireless. The devices that you are using such as a printer, router, mouse/keyboard, etc., should be wireless so that you find yourself saved from managing all the cables.